Monday, September 26, 2011

Notes From the Green Living Expo

Contributing writer - Lisa Morris, Planning Associate

This past Saturday, Casey Trees hosted a table at the third annual Green Living Expo at Van Ness-UDC Metro Plaza, where residents, organizations and businesses from around the city shared inspiring ideas about how to green their lifestyles. Many people who stopped by our table had questions about the RiverSmart Homes and Tree Rebate programs, which enable residents to plant trees on their properties at low and reduced cost. Some were interested in learning about how to volunteer with us, while others stopped by to share their stories about past volunteer experiences. After our rainy September, stormwater was a hot topic. We discussed the critical role trees play in absorbing rainwater before runoff can pollute the Anacostia and other local waterways.

While we shared information about what we do, we also learned about the wide range of green services provided by local organizations and businesses. We met folks that collect organic material for composting and provide high-quality soil to urban farms; salvage building materials by deconstructing rather than demolishing houses; perform green audits of businesses and lifestyles to get them started on the path to sustainability; and reduce harmful chemicals in the environment by providing natural pest control. Since this event coincided with the regular Saturday UDC Farmers' Market, local vendors were on hand to sell fresh produce. And, as if all this weren’t enough, a rock band from the School Without Walls and Wilson High’s marching band entertained the crowd. All in all, it was a great afternoon, full of great ideas and great people.

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