Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Get Kids Involved With Arbor Kids Activities

Getting children involved with nature is easy with our Arbor Kids activities! Our downloadable activities offer kids the chance to learn about trees and why they are important to have around. Printable and easy to use, these activities don't require any fancy materials beyond some paper, something to write with, a tape measure, and our Tree ID Guide. Check out the activities and show those kids how cool trees can be!

The Name That Tree! activity introduces children to the science of tree identification. Children are asked to identify trees around their home and school using our Tree ID Guide and asks them to collect some leaves of various shapes. The children can then make collages with the leaf rubbing instructions included with the activity.

The Tree Benefits Scavenger Hunt sends children on an adventure through the neighborhood as they look for trees and how they interact with people and the environment. Look for leafy trees, big trees, things that live with trees, and tree products found at home. Each item also presents a short description of why trees are important.

The How Tall is That Tree activity shows children how to measure a tree. You can learn how to compare the tree's shadow to their own using proportions to estimate the trees height. You may need the aid of a friend or adult to measure their height and shadow. Afterwards, share the pictures of the trees they measured and post the data to the Casey Trees Map and photos to our Flickr group.

The My Trees: Home Inventory activity shows children how to be aware of trees and their condition. The activity asks children to make a map of their yard and then identify the condition of the trees and their species. They can then share this information with their parents so that any sick or injured trees can be properly addressed. Don't forget to post the trees near and around your house online!

If you're looking for even more activities for children or are an educator looking to add tree activities to their science classroom should check out our ROOTS curriculum.

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