High School Summer Crew has been very busy learning about all that goes into tree care, from mulching to untangling water hoses. Last Thursday, the crew expanded their expertise even further during a pruning and tree care event at Dangerfield Island in Alexandria. National Park Service horticulturist Barry Stahl led the event, which was one of three professional development sessions the crew will attend this summer.
Horticulturist Barry Stahl briefs our crew on pruning trees at Dangerfield Island. |
Before pruning, each student picked out a baby American elm from the nursery. The crew members labeled the trees so they can check their progress as they grow.
Young elms chosen and labeled by Summer Crew members. |
For their first assignment, the crew pruned very young trees to make sure they grow properly. |
Unsuccessful trees were uprooted and replaced with healthy specimens in the field. |
At the American elm nursery, the trees remain in the greenhouse until they are three years old, when they are then planted in the outdoor field. Our high school summer crew helped prep the holes and plant the three-year-old trees in their designated spots.
Summer crew members work together to tie a young tree to its guiding stake. |
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