Sunday, July 31, 2011

Water By-Cycle Update

Contributing writer - Neil Irvin, Water By-Cycle Crew Chief

We are now in the sixth week of the Summer Crew's Water By-Cycle program. Being a bike crew chief is both strenuous and rewarding. I love riding a bicycle but pulling a trailer with 250 feet of hose and various tree care equipment along the streets of D.C. in the summer can be a bit taxing. However, by mapping out our routes in advance we ensure we reach the greatest number of trees possible in the most efficient manner.

My crew consists of high school students who have an excellent work ethic, a love for trees and genuine desire to beautify the nation's capital. While they are caring for D.C.'s trees, they are also developing valuable professional development skills and becoming excellent communicators. I lead by example and explain things thoroughly so they can take ownership of their work.

Being a part of the bike watering crew has given me a chance to see different parts of the District, learn proper tree care and work with a great team of people. Most importantly my work is part of a greater mission - protecting D.C.'s trees. When the sun is shining and the breeze is flowing, I am reminded of how lucky I am to help lead the Casey Trees Water By-Cycle team. Our bike crew is looking forward to far surpassing our watering goals!

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