Thursday, August 19, 2010


Contributing Writer - Kelly Crabtree, Summer Crew Team Member

Spending the summer in DC is never ideal due to the extreme heat and humidity but being able to work with Casey Trees these past eight weeks made staying in town worth it.

I have not only learned a lot about trees but I have had so many great experiences that I could not have had elsewhere. I have met people from diverse backgrounds and traveled to areas of the city that I have never been to before.
I also look at new and familiar places with a totally fresh perspective. Instead of just looking at different stores or people, I scan for fire hydrants to hook a hose up to, a lonely cone that could be ours and all the trees that need watering.

All summer we have had a lot of fun watering trees. I've enjoyed everything from talking to my fellow crew members and people on the street to playing games while we wait for the water bladder and Ooze Tubes to fill up.

One day I was watering a tree near D
upont Circle and a man came up to me with such excitement and says, “thank you, what you are doing is wonderful!" He helped me to realize that our work mattered and was making a real difference.

As my time on the Summer Crew comes to an end, I want to say thank you to Casey Trees for giving me this wonderful opportunity to work with you.

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