Monday, November 21, 2011

Roxane Sismanidis: Making a Difference through the CFC

Casey Trees CFC Donor and Citizen Forester Roxane
 with husband and fellow Citizen Forester Steve Burant
Roxane Sismanidis has been a government employee for the past 21 years. And for 21 years she’s also been a loyal annual contributor to the Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA), helping her favorite local nonprofits continue their great work throughout the community.

In the last few years, Roxane – who is also a Casey Trees Lead Citizen Forester – has chosen us as her charity of choice, helping bring trees to her hometown of D.C. “I know that with Casey Trees my donation will go towards making a difference in my own neighborhood and across Washington,” Roxane says, “and that I’m making a worthwhile investment that I’ll be able to enjoy – personally.”

Roxane is just one of the scores of federal employees who have chosen to donate to Casey Trees through the Combined Federal Campaign over the years, and we’d like to thank her for that. Without Roxane’s annual contribution, and the generous contributions of others like her, we simply wouldn’t be able to do the work that we do. It is exactly this support from our friends and neighbors that allows us to continue our tree planting efforts throughout the city. That’s why we need your help.

If you’re a government employee, join Roxane this year in creating a greener and more sustainable city by donating to Casey Trees today (CFC #24598). Donating is easy and can be done online or even through a monthly payroll deduction.

By making a pledge to Casey Trees you’re doing more than just helping plant trees; you’re building an important legacy in our city, one that will last for generations to come.

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